Company Information:
- Mdose
- 10 route de Brie Comte Robert
- 94520 Perigny sur Yerres
- France
- Tel : 01 45 10 77 90
- Fax : 01 45 10 15 95
- Company with capital of 51 012€
- R.C, Créteil B 589 813 997
- Code APE NAF 2229B
- No SIRET 589 813 997 00063
- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer : Thierry BUREAU
- Chief Operating Officer : Florence VOILLARD
- Registration number for the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) register in application of article L.541-10 of the Environment Code: : FR320613_01SSIS
Information about the site:
- Domain name :
- Editorial Director: Thierry Bureau
- Site design: Mdose & Patte Blanche
- Website hosting : Mdose
Personal data :
In compliance with the confidentiality of your personal information, and of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, Mdose undertakes that the data collected are not transmitted Nor sold to third parties. Cf confidentiality clause (link to the commitments, bookmark towards confidentiality) Copyright: Any reproduction in whole or in part, realized for profit by any means whatsoever, is prohibited without prior written authorization of Mdose.