Retrouvez nous les 8 & 9 mars 2025 au Salon Pharmagora Stand K21
Mdose : preparation of doses to be administered
  • Pharmacien
    A new pill dispenser to encourage adherence
  • Professionnel en établissement d'hébergement
    A unique solution for the pharmacy
  • Professionnel au domicile
    A new concept for Care Homes
  • Particulier
    A new solution for your patients’ well-being
  • Automate universel de remplissage
Care Home PDA
Care Home PDA
Home care PDA
Home care PDA
Automate universel de remplissage
Robot de PDA

Discover Mdose

An expertise of over 15 years in the field of securing medication to assist professionals and private individuals


Because our solutions have been designed for and with our users we provide, at each step and for every actor, a solution which improves therapeutic adherence.


Care home professionnal

The home care professional

Private individual

The medication circuit as seen by Mdose

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The medication circuit as seen by Mdose


Present as a manufacturer in health institutions since 1990, Mdose (formerly Multiroir Médical), plans extending its traditional offer of medication management to a full range of Preparation of Doses to be Administered (PDA) solutions for care homes and home care.

The first solution, PDA Hebdo, placed on the market in 2010, is the fruit of in-house development. It is built around the Secur’Dose software which supports the pharmacist in his preparation and secures the process step by step. It consists of products for preparation (tray, deblistering equipment, barcode reader) and what constitutes the medication packaging, and our trademark: the double cavity blisters.  The complete preparation process is structured, traced and organized so as to reduce errors in the transcription of prescriptions and preparation, and to assist the nurse(s) in administering medication in care homes.

At the same time, strengthened by its know-how and the pertinence of its solution, Mdose, was entrusted with the exclusive distribution of the PDA world leader; Manrex, and the commercialisation of the first mini-automaton, Fagor Healthcare’s Medical Dispenser.

In 2013, the group decided to strengthen its strategy by launching an innovative project aimed at reducing iatrogenic risks in care homes, and also at home, by improving treatment adherence.

In effect, the ambulatory care sector is becoming a real public health challenge, due to demographic, economic and health contexts today, because  medication iatrogenesis is responsible for 128 000 hospitalisations per year1, and 10 000 deaths per year2 , three times more than road accidents.

The project is based on a comprehensive study on the origin of iatrogenic risks in the different steps of the medication circuit. It also takes into consideration direct comments from actors of the value chain such as private individuals, State Registered Nurses and carers. It includes the conclusions of multi-profession panel discussions gathering pharmacists, independent nurses, care home health coordinators and home care providers.  

Finally, the project benefits from all the expertise acquired through contact with the users of the first PDA solution.

Conscience of the importance of the pharmacist in his leading role of therapeutic educator, and his central position among the different health and home care actors, we have designed a unique solution PDA Heb’Dose, accessible to all, which encourages treatment adherence through a better understanding.

1Ministry of health
2Bégaud-Costagliola report on the surveillance and the promotion of good use of medication in France – 2013

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Care Home PDA
Home care PDA